Criação de negócios é o processo de desenvolvimento de estratégias, planos, procedimentos e políticas que orientam um negócio tanto no dia-a-dia quanto no longo prazo. Envolve a coordenação de recursos humanos, financeiros e materiais para atingir os objetivos organizacionais. Deixe a R&R Tax and Bookkeeping revisar suas práticas comerciais atuais e ajudá-lo a:
Objetivos e estabelecimento de metas
Análise Financeira: Receitas x Despesas
Revisão de responsabilidade fiscal
Estrutura legal
Processo de manutenção de gravação
Contas a Receber e Cobranças
Documentação da Senha
Revisar/negociar contratos de fornecedores
Contratos de trabalho
Revisão da taxa de juros do cartão de crédito
Taxa de juros do empréstimo e revisão do prazo
Revisão do contrato de equipamento
Auditoria de Arquivos - Auditoria de arquivos de funcionários e auditoria de arquivos de clientes
Auditoria de banco de dados do cliente
Fidelização de clientes
Análise da concorrência
Análise de benefícios dos funcionários
Auditoria de cobertura de seguro
Orientação para planejamento de eventos
Pré-triagem do funcionário

Who needs to file a BOI report?
What information needs to be reported?
When are BOI reports due?
Starting January 1, 2024, most newly established businesses will be required to submit beneficial ownership information within 90 days of their formation. Existing businesses have a deadline of January 1, 2025, to comply with this reporting requirement. However, there are exceptions, including publicly traded companies and certain regulated institutions. Generally, businesses created by filing documents with a Secretary of State, such as corporations and LLCs, must file a BOI report unless they qualify for an exemption.
To determine if your company is classified as a ‘Reporting Company’ under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), please review the detailed flowchart provided below. If your company fits the ‘reporting company’ criteria and does not meet any exemption conditions, it will be required to submit a BOI report. Our objective is to equip you with the essential resources and guidance to navigate these regulations effectively. Should you need any assistance or further clarification, do not hesitate to contact us

You’ll need to report the legal name, address, date of birth, and government ID for each beneficial owner. The information you report depends on when your business was created:
Businesses created before January 1, 2024: Report information about the company and its beneficial owners.
Businesses created on or after January 1, 2024: Report information about the company, its beneficial owners, and company applicants.
A total of 23 types of entities are exempt from the beneficial ownership information reporting requirements. These include publicly traded companies that meet certain criteria, non-profit organizations, and specific large operating companies.
Have more questions?
Fill out the contact form and someone from the R&R and Associates team will reach out to you